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Our COVID Policy

Throughout the pandemic we have worked diligently to help maintain the safety of our clients and staff. 

After taking into consideration the latest guidelines from the government for post 19th July, and the current rising number of infections, we have made the decision to continue with our policy of wearing face coverings in our showroom and workshop. 

Therefore, we politely request that when visiting our Colchester showroom (pre and post 19th July), you arrive wearing a face covering. Our designers will also continue to do so.

Please note: If you are visiting one of our approved partner showrooms (any Davonport showroom that appears in our showroom locator that isn’t in Colchester), you will need to contact them ahead of your visit for their individual showroom policy.

We would like to thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you soon.

Shoreditch Showroom 1
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