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2016 at Davonport

davonport book

As 2016 nears its end we’re in a rather reflective mood. As cliché as it sounds the year really has flown by and it’s easy to forget the great achievements of the past 12 months, so we’re taking this opportunity to look back over 2016 and relive some of our favourite parts…


The year started on a high after being awarded the Best of Houzz Design award for 2016. As the premier online platform for interior design we really value Houzz and feel it’s such a useful place to get inspiration and find fantastic kitchen design professionals. This set us off to a good start and our achievements on Houzz grew through the year. We’ve had two of our projects feature as ‘Kitchen Tours’ as well as a third project chosen as ‘Kitchen Of The Week’. On top of this, in August we were awarded the 50,000 saves badge – recognising the fact that our images have been saved across the Houzz community over 50,000 times! This is all due to the support we’ve received on there so first and foremost; thank you for the amazing support you’ve given us. In case you’re interested, our most saved image is of the kitchen pantry from our Orford project which has been saved over 34,000 times!

organise wooden cabinet

On the topic of social media, we love connecting with you all across FacebookTwitterInstagramPintrest and Houzz – sharing all the latest shots of projects and behind the scenes snippets keeping you up to date with what’s going on here at Davonport. In fact, we were lucky enough to be awarded the ‘Best Use of Social Media’ Gold award by Hafele in March. We always like to hear your thoughts and feedback so if you’re not following us already just click the links above.


As much as we love social media and the great opportunities it provides there’s nothing quite like flicking through a magazine for amazing inspiration and project ideas, especially when it comes to the home. This is why we’re so thrilled to have received great coverage across many interior magazines this year. We’ve even been chosen to feature on the cover of leading home interest titles twice! Once in June with our Orford project on the cover of Kitchens, Bedrooms & Bathrooms magazine and also recently, in October, when our Holkham kitchen made the cover of Essential Kitchen Bathroom Bedroom magazine. On top of this we had case studies and other editorial features in Homes & Gardens, Utopia, Elle Décor and The English Home, amongst others.

magazine kitchen

Two of the things we pride ourselves upon most is our emphasis on quality and the fact that we make all our kitchen furniture in our own workshops in Colchester, Essex. So when luxury appliance company Sub-Zero & Wolf invited us to take part in their Best of Essex event at their Maldon showroom in the summer we leapt at the chance. We designed and made a bespoke pantry especially for the event and had a fantastic evening with some wonderful people celebrating all things luxury in Essex.

white kitchen cabinet

2016 has been a wonderful year at Davonport and we’re rounding it off with the launch of our new brochure. It showcases some of our most recent, beautiful and diverse kitchen projects and gives a deeper insight into the ethos and history behind the company and brand. If you’d like a copy of our new brochure pop into the showroom to pick one up, or contact us to request a copy.


As for 2017, we already have some exciting ventures planned, not least the launch of a new collection which we promise will amaze you, but you’ll have to wait for the New Year to find out more about that…

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