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Curved kitchen cabinets

wood work

There are relatively few kitchen manufacturers which provide curved cabinets, and even fewer which can make ‘true’ curved cabinets (Davonport being one of them). What’s the difference? Lots of curved cabinets sit a curved door on a regular cabinet, meaning that the door still needs to have square ends. However ‘true’ curved cabinets have joints which are perpendicular to the radius of the curve – no mean feat. Our involved process uses a combination of state of the art machinery and traditional carpentry methods to give a beautiful end product that will last a lifetime.

So how do we make our ‘true’ curved cabinets?

  1. Firstly the door is designed and drawn using Computer Aided Design (CAD) software to ensure accuracy of angles and joint measurements.
  2. Next we select the best quality timber; typically we use three inch thick prime grade solid wood; walnut, oak, or tulipwood with minimal short grain to maximise its strength.
  3. Then we put it through the band saw which cuts it to shape and forms the shapes of the rails and stiles of the curved door.
  4. The door is then put through the five-axis CNC machine which continues to carve the wood, using fine blades to ensure precision in all the angles and curves.
  5. The front panel of the door is then made next by vacuuming laminated veneers together, with a veneer of the client’s chosen finish (oak, walnut, burr etc) being added last to make the front exterior surface.
  6. The panel then goes to the CNC machine to be cut to size.
  7. A cabinet maker then sands both pieces and puts the door together by hand using traditional mortise and tenon joints.
  8. The door is then hung into the cabinet.
  9. The whole cabinet is then sent to the polishing shop.
  10. It is then sent back to assembly before being wrapped and sent out.
  11. Quality checks take place at numerous points throughout this process to ensure that the door is of the highest quality at every stage.


Clearly, this is a very involved technique for creating curved cabinets, so why do we do it this way? By using this process we reduce springs and twists in the wood, creating a much more robust cabinet. In addition, our method reduces warping as the cabinet ages, so that the aesthetic remains consistent through its lifetime. We are proud to offer a lifetime guarantee on all our furniture. It’s our use of traditional techniques mixed with state of the art technology which results in premium quality cabinetry – such as our ‘true’ curved cabinets – that aids this guarantee.

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