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Q&A with Gaby Roberts – Life in my Davonport kitchen

Gaby Roberts and her husband, Simon, installed a Davonport kitchen in their previous home. And when a plot of land came up for sale in their ideal location they were quick to take the opportunity to build their dream home, featuring another Davonport kitchen. A few months on from the project completion we caught up with Gaby to understand whether their new kitchen has lived up to expectations and how the experience of their first Davonport kitchen impacted upon their second.

One of the main aspects of your brief was to create a kitchen that worked for you and Simon when you have the house to yourselves, but also for when all 5 children are home. How has your kitchen achieved this and what impact has it had on family life?
With 5 children between us, we needed a lot of storage but didn’t want it to dominate the area and compromise our styling which is very simple and clean. Maintaining our style was particularly important because a lot of the time it’s just Simon and me. We were careful to maximise the storage areas along both walls without it looking fussy, plus the large kitchen island is absolutely loaded with cupboards and drawers discreetly housing everything a large family needs. We’ve achieved the style we want to enjoy with all the functionality we need for life with such a big family – it’s the perfect balance.

This is your second Davonport kitchen – what is it you liked about Davonport, and is there anything from your first kitchen that influenced your choices in this one?
After having our first Davonport kitchen there was no going back for me. It was our first experience with a bespoke kitchen and the materials, craftsmanship and flexibility it offers you. The quality of the materials and attention to detail really made us feel like we were having something made especially for our family. Plus, I was able to take all the elements I loved from our first kitchen; such as the circular breakfast bar, the deep pan drawers and pantry cupboard, and implement them into the new kitchen. I also love the fact that having chosen the Mayland style which is a timeless classic contemporary style, in a few years we can repaint the kitchen a different colour and change worktops and handles and have a completely different look for a minimal cost.

What is your favourite part of your new kitchen, and why?
The kitchen island without a doubt. Not only for its practical solution regarding storage, but I love the dark dramatic centrepiece it’s become. The raised breakfast bar, whilst only seating two people, works brilliantly for us. When Simon comes in from work he can sit and talk through his day while I’m preparing dinner, enjoying catching up over a glass of wine. And when we have the children, they all trickle down at different times of the day for breakfast so it’s perfect for our needs.

You embarked upon a whole house build, overseeing every part of the project. Is there any advice you would give someone about to start a similar project?
You have to really commit to the project. Do your homework. If you allow yourself plenty of time to choose your materials, tiles, kitchen and bathroom fittings etc you won’t have to make hasty choices which could negatively affect the end result. By taking our time and doing plenty of research I feel we’ve got as close to our vision as we possibly could have.

If you could change anything in your new open-plan kitchen, what would it be?
I can honestly say nothing! Having had a Davonport kitchen previously I could incorporate all the elements that I loved and knew worked for us, so I feel we’ve utilised the space to its maximum without compromising on the style. And as a working kitchen for a family of 7 it is absolutely perfect for our needs. You can’t really ask for more than that!